Your bridge
to success

We advise and accompany our customers from different industries and
with various competencies in the realization of their plans and projects
in Central Asia and Europe – serious, competent, and committed.

Our experts are on site for you in Astana, Almaty, Düsseldorf and Berlin
as well as in Ahlen near Hamm (transport hub)

About us

Experts from Germany and Central Asia form the heart of Eurasian Management Solutions. In addition to their expertise, e.g. in law, engineering, agriculture, communication, and project management, they have excellent country knowledge. Through our networks and solution expertise, we lead your projects to outstanding results.

We offer your company and your organizations exclusive information experience and detailed knowledge of the Eurasian region and especially Central Asia. We are happy to accompany your projects with a holistic approach. At the same time, we guide our customers from the region with their projects toward Germany and Europe. All our experts have a high level of intercultural competence, proven expertise, and country knowledge.

Central Asia – a region is gaining in importance

Not only the current geostrategic situation, which is characterized by war and conflicts but also mid-term events which are characterized by shortages of raw materials, disruptions in supply chains, and the need to diversify also in terms of trading partners, countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are moving in the focus like never before.

Here and in other countries in the region, there is great potential for growth and cooperation, for new trading partners, alternative routes, and locations.

Source: akordapress

Our distinguished experts will be happy to advise you

Our experts will guide you in the areas of:

  • Government Consultation
  • Economic strategy
  • Project development
  • Representation of interests and lobbying
  • Communication (strategy, implementation and training)
  • Networking
  • Education and training
  • Law

Our Clients and References

The largest privately owned rolling stock operator in Central Asia
German manufacturer of high-voltage motors and large drives for all industrial applications
One of the largest individual investors in Central Asia, the Southeast Mediterranean and Eastern Europe

Our Locations