Extended network
If the task and project design require it, other experts from our network with whom we have been working for years can be invited to implement a project.
A successful project starts with a good team and the right questions!
We have the right team!

Thomas Helm
Thomas Helm, is the founder and managing partner of Eurasian Management Solutions GmbH and worked for more than five years as head of the foreign office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Kazakhstan until 2020.
The social scientist and economist (University of Münster) has been active in the political and pre-political sphere for around 25 years, including 11 years as an adviser and working group leader in the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, more than 5 years in political consulting (public affairs) and strategic communication for and in companies and 3 years as national director of the Association of Christian Democratic Students. He also has more than a decade of experience in local politics.
The thematic focus of his work lies in economic transformation, energy and resource policy, foreign and security policy as well as regional development. Thomas has many years of experience in project management.
Since 2021 Thomas has been chairman of the German-Kazakh Society based in Berlin.
Location: Ahlen und Berlin

Marat Idrissov
Marat Idrissov lives and works in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Marat has been a director of Kazakhstan Institute of Industry Development LLP since 2019. As part of his work with state organizations (Presidential Administration, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministries of Industry and Infrastructure Development, Energy, National Economy, Finance, etc.) a number of initiatives have been implemented, including the creation of an industrial development fund; state program for industrial and innovative development for 2019-2025; investment project of German company CLAAS; development of trade collaboration between Central Asian countries, etc.
His main professional focus is mechanical engineering and consultancy services in this area. Marat was educated both in Kazakhstan and in Germany in mechanical engineering and production economics.
He has experience in management and consultancy.
Location: Almaty

Prof. Dr. Muslim Khassenov
Prof. Dr. Muslim Khassenov, lives and works in Astana.
The lawyer is a partner in a law firm Novo Integro in Nur-Sultan and Dubai, a professor of labor and social law at M.S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University. After obtaining his doctorate in Kazakhstan, he conducted research on labor law at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Muslim is the author of several academic monographs on labor, commercial and economic law published by the prestigious publishing house Wolters Kluwer. From 2013 to 2016 Muslim worked as deputy head of the management staff and advisor to the Chairman of the Kazakhstan Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”.
The focus of his legal work is on labor and social law, commercial and contract law, as well as media and cyber law.
Location: Astana

Torsten Thieme
Torsten Thieme is a multilingual expert in the fields of digitalization transformation, financial services, rail logistics, supply chain management, and risk management with more than 10 years of experience in Central Asia.
He has actively participated in multi-million dollar projects of the national company “Kazakhstan Railways”. In addition, Torsten has carried out digitalization projects for large organizations such as ministries of finance, banks, and transport companies in Germany, Austria, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan. From 2011 to 2019 Torsten served as a senior manager and director of technology consulting at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Currently, Torsten is co-founder and Managing Director of ThiemeBieg & Associates GmbH, a consulting agency, providing services in logistics, organizational risk management, supply-chain management, and business digitalization.
Location: Berlin

Jörg Andreas Dinkelaker
Jörg Andreas Dinkelaker, has been living and working in Kazakhstan since 2018.
Jörg Dinkelaker is an agricultural engineer who has been carrying out consulting projects for the private sector, government clients, and NGOs in Central Asia and Africa for over 20 years. His clients include the GIZ, the World Bank, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the OSCE, and in Kazakhstan such companies like KazAgro and Agricultural Credit Company (AKK) as well as private agricultural companies.
His consulting focus lies in the areas of agricultural projects, agricultural and environmental policy, the development of agricultural companies, energy projects, and development policy.
He has carried out projects in Germany, Tajikistan, Russian Federation, Romania, Ethiopia, and Kazakhstan.
Location: Almaty

Yerbol Abdikhalil
Yerbol Abdikhalil lives and works in Almaty.
Yerbol has studied Information Systems and e-Business Management in Hong Kong and Morocco. As a part of his previous job, he has conducted market studies utilizing software solutions such as web scraping and data visualization.
Yerbol is a recipient of the Sur-Place local scholarship from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) given to students participating in the socio-political life of the country and having an active life position. As an alumnus of the program, he has worked as an intern in the Kazakhstani office of the KAS supporting the core team in projects on the economic transformation and digitalization in Kazakhstan.
Location: Almaty

Thomas Ruhland
Thomas Ruhland, has been living and working in Berlin for around three decades.
The lawyer studied law in Freiburg im Breisgau and completed his legal clerkship and the second state examination in Berlin. After the first professional position in the Federal Office for Supervision in the Financial Services Sector, he worked as a legal advisor for the «Berlin-Friedrichshain» housing association for over 15 years. Since 2006 he has worked as a lawyer in the law firm «Dr. Koehler and Partner» in Berlin-Mitte. For more than 20 years he is giving lectures on residential property management in Eastern European countries. His work focuses on general civil law, immigration law, and real estate law.
Extensive advice on tax law and tax consulting services can be offered through the law firm.
Location: Berlin

Our Location
Our main topics are:
• Agriculture and food
• Energy
• Raw materials
• Industry
• Logistics